Friday, April 24, 2009

Shaken not Stirred

Apple recently pulled an iPhone application called Baby Shaker from its iTunes store stating that the application was "... deeply offensive."
While shaken baby syndrome is an issue of great social importance, it's also important not to lose perspective.
Once again, the argument of what is acceptable and what is not rages between the people who want it and the people who don't.
To all of you "would be" iPhone app designers, here's a tip: if your app generates negative publicity, iTunes won't carry it. Since Apple is the sole proprietor of the iPhone (and what you can put on it) we are at their mercy. Although technology has changed, people haven't. Thankfully, no actual babies were harmed in the making of this application. I bet Jonathan Swift is laughing at us right now?

Who Cares Wins?

Recently, both Jackie Chan and Jamie Foxx have been derided for publicly stating their opinions. Chan was chided for his comments about Chinese people "...need[ing] to be controlled." Foxx was flamed for his comments about Miley Cyrus "... need[ing] to make a sex tape" and "... grow up."
Keep in mind, Chan is a martial arts film star and Foxx is a comedian/film star. Both are in the entertainment business. Both have names which start with "JA-".
Sadly, these two men have failed to realize the yoke of their own stardom. They aren't allowed to express their opinion anymore whether it is right or wrong. Unfortunately, the media act like Nero fiddling while the careers of some celebrities goes down in flames.
Luckily, we critical thinkers can look past the hype and ask a very simple, yet, important question: "Who cares?"